Farhan reviews 1Z0-851 Exam PrepKit
Farhan Khwaja is currently in 4th year of B.Tech Computer Science engineering from MPSTME,NMIMS,Mumbai. He is also SUN CERTIFIED JAVA PROGRAMMER AND EMC IFORMATIONS STORAGE ASSOCIATE (EMCISA). He along with his team have stood 38th ACM ICPC INIDA Regional Finals’10. He likes to blog, paint and listen to music. His blog is Code 2 […]
Farhan Khwaja is currently in 4th year of B.Tech Computer Science engineering from MPSTME,NMIMS,Mumbai. He is also SUN CERTIFIED JAVA PROGRAMMER AND EMC IFORMATIONS STORAGE ASSOCIATE (EMCISA). He along with his team have stood 38th ACM ICPC INIDA Regional Finals’10. He likes to blog, paint and listen to music.
His blog is Code 2 Learn (www.code2learn.com) where he writes what he has learned till now. Its a blog on Computer Science and related stuff. His blog also won the award of Best Blog in the Programming Category in the competition conducted by blogjunta i.e Best of Indian Blogosphere.
After reviewing the uCertify PrepKit for the exam 1Z0-851, Farhan said, “In the prepKit each and every topic is taught well along with the help of examples so that we get a clear view about what we are studying. Along with the preparation material which has 70-90 slides, it also has 9 Practice tests, 1 Adaptive Test, 1 Interactive Quiz (223 Question), 1 Diagnostic test (15 questions) and many more. ”
You can read the complete review on uCertify’s 1Z0-851PrepKit at Farhan’s blog.