How To Protect Yourself From Cyber Attacks?

In today’s digital world, the amount of data accessed, used, and shared across complex networks is continuously growing. As the risk of cybercrime is rising, companies are required to ensure the security of user data and personal information online. The basic function of cybersecurity involves protecting information and systems from major cyber attacks. These cyber attacks can take any form, for instance, application attacks, ransomware, malware, phishing, exploit kits. Unfortunately, the hackers have learned to institute automated and sophisticated attacks at lower and lower costs. As a result, keeping pace with the latest cybersecurity strategy and operations is a challenge, particularly in government organizations and enterprise networks where cyber threats aim at political, secret, military or infrastructural assets of a nation, and its people.

How to protect yourself from cyber attacks

Here are the rates (in percentage) of top 4 prevalent cyber attacks:

49% Zero-Day Attacks: These cyber attacks occur on the same day a weakness is discovered in software.
41% Cloud Data Leakage: These might occur when employees upload sensitive company information to cloud services.
38% Mobile Malware: This malicious software has been specifically built to attack operating system on mobile phone or smartphone systems.
38% Targeted Attacks: These are one of the biggest cyber-threats to any organization these days that is used to disturb operations, extract information, or destroy a specific data type on a target machine.

Check out the rates (in percentage) of the top 4 areas of protection:

51% Network Defenses: These keep hackers away from navigating through corporate networks to find and steal critical data.
50% Endpoint and Mobile Device Protection: It prevents hackers from attacking individual devices.
47% Data in Motion Defenses: It protects data from hackers while it is being sent from one device to another.
47% Data at Rest Defenses: It protects data from hackers while it is stored in corporate databases.

Cybersecurity does not only require the right technologies to counter the crime but also the right strategy throughout the business enterprise. The right strategy recognizes that cybersecurity is not just an IT issue, organizations need to have knowledge of consumers’ awareness about how their data is used. To get more knowledge in cybersecurity, check out uCertify CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst courses and labs.

Three Things Your Cybersecurity Training Is Probably Lacking

These days, it’s no longer possible to deny the role your employees have in keeping your data – and your business – safe. Cybersecurity training programs are now more critical than ever. With that in mind, though, you need to ensure your own training isn’t missing the mark. Let’s talk about that.


Cybersecurity training is critical, now more than ever. You’re doubtless already aware of that – you probably even have a program in place to teach your staff the basics. And that program is probably missing quite a bit.

Fact is, most businesses seem to focus solely on the informational side of cybersecurity training. But if you want your training to be effective – if you want it to resonate with your workers – you need to take things further. You need to focus on what your training – on what most training – is missing.

An Understanding of Social Engineering

Phishing is one of the most common cyber attack tactics for a reason – it works. It doesn’t take much for even a well-informed person to fall victim to a phishing email, either. Stress-based carelessness and simple fatigue impact us all at one point or another.

Security awareness education and training simply aren’t enough to mitigate this threat. Sure, teaching people about some of the common tactics used by scammers can help them better recognize the signs that they’re being targeted. But at the same time, it won’t address the incaution that ultimately makes phishing successful.

Instead of solely focusing on information, your training should also focus on mindfulness – on teaching your workers to think differently and be more cautious in how they conduct themselves. This need not apply just to cybersecurity, either. Framing your exercises as a way your staff can further enrich their personal lives can go a long way towards helping them embrace it.

A Focus On Emerging Threats

The cybersecurity market is in constant flux. Every day, new threats emerge, new tactics by which hackers may attempt to compromise your organization. It’s your job to stay abreast of these threats – to pay attention to security researchers and media releases so you can better stay on top of things.

But how exactly does any of this apply to employee training programs?

Whenever a major breach occurs or a major vulnerability is revealed, discuss with your team how the target may have done things better. Keep your training material up to date with lessons that may be gleaned from those breaches.

User Engagement

Last but certainly not least, you need to make your training something employees will actually want to bother with. Establish why your training program is important – why your workers should pay attention to it. Be transparent about why security matters, and about their agency and role in keeping your business safe.

Beyond that, your goal should be to make them actually feel motivated to engage with whatever programs you’ve implemented. Create an interesting narrative that focuses less on the technical side of cyber attacks and more on stories of what happens when cyberattacks succeed. Know and understand the sort of things your staff finds interesting, and structure the narrative on that.

And of course, there’s gamification – that buzzword everyone’s on about. By offering incentives and rewards, visual aids, and entertaining activities, you can get people far more interested in your cybersecurity processes and policies than you ever could with simple information.

Closing thoughts

Too often, businesses treat cyber training as a way to simply vomit information at their staff. This rarely works. In order for your cybersecurity training programs to actually be effective, you need to go a little further. You need to focus on the above items – on exactly what you’re missing.

About the Author: Max Emelianov started HostForWeb in 2001. In his role as HostForWeb’s CEO, he focuses on teamwork and providing the best support for his customers while delivering cutting-edge web hosting services.

Know About Cybersecurity Job Trends

There is a lot written about cybersecurity jobs than almost any other IT job. However, most of the articles emphasize the increased number of cyber-attacks. The recent surveys projected 28% increase in cybersecurity jobs in the United States by 2026. Demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals is growing 4 times faster than the overall IT job market. Currently, there are more than 1 million jobs opening for cybersecurity positions around the world.


You might think of cybersecurity as a career option—not a skill that is very important in today’s job market. In the age of our digital world, every professional should have the idea of simple things about keeping security up to par.

Nowadays, organizations understand that the only way to achieve and maintain success in our data-driven, the digital world is by having a team of highly skilled cybersecurity professionals. The 68% of the organizations said that there is a global shortage of skilled professionals and 74% said that there is a lack of talent. This is the reason that 47% of the organizations plan to hire cybersecurity professionals in the upcoming years. This high job growth is because of the increased expansion in the interconnectedness of devices and computing systems, increasing the potential points of intrusion. Moreover, the skills of cybersecurity specialists is not limited to IT architecture but it also goes to cloud services, business processes, and mobile devices.

With so many jobs available, and the need to fill them, many organizations like CompTIA, ISC2, and others are offering certifications in cybersecurity. The certifications will help you kick start your career in this field and become a successful professional. uCertify offers comprehensive cert guides for such certification exams like CISSP, CySA+, and many more. So, get enrolled in the cert guide that will help you pass the exam with flying colors.

Protect Yourself From The Latest Cybersecurity Threats

The next time you’re using the Internet whether at work or home stop, check and then connect. Keep in mind that you are both the target of cybercriminals and the strongest line of defense against cyber threats to your employer and yourself. In the present time where technology is touching new heights, on the other hand, it is also giving birth to the new techniques of attacking the organizations. Recent surveys have proved that approximately 4,000 cyber-attacks take place each and every day. This enhances the importance of cybersecurity threat protection for an organization and individual person. We are here to provide you with some technique, adding them to your daily practices will help you protect against the threats. But, let us first give you the main modes of attacks these days.

Protect Yourself From The Latest Cybersecurity Threats Explore uCertify

Phishing Emails

Recent surveys claimed that approx. 75M phishing emails are sent daily that results in about 2,000 victims per day. Pay attention before replying to such email, opening an attachment, or clicking on a link in what could be a suspicious email. In past months a lot of shreds of evidence have proved that 9 of 10 Phishing emails are now Ransomware. Ransomware is one of the easiest ways for cybercriminals with a lesser amount of effort, so these numbers will only go up as time goes on. This is evident that 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear-phishing attack. Criminals are using the old ‘spray and pray’ approach to sending out mass phishing emails. The annual cost of global ransomware is very high approx. USD 2.3 Billion and the numbers are increasing continuously along with the number of victims.

Here are some techniques that you can add to your daily practice and help you avoid security threats:

Do Not Insert Any Unknown USB to Your Computer

This is a huge security risk; this technique is used by the criminals to phish employees.

Never Use A Post-It Note for Storing Your Passwords

A lot of users post their computer password right on their monitors by mistake.

Never Open Email Attachments You Didn’t Ask For

Beware before opening any attachment! If you get an attachment you didn’t ask then it’s best to have a look before opening. If you don’t know the sender, or if the file type is not recognizable, there is no need to open that attachment.

Use A HTTPS Connection When Using A Credit Card Transaction

Before you complete any transaction make sure the URL starts with “https” rather than “HTTP”. The site with which you will deal with is secured with SSL technology like Comodo SSL Certificate because that will protect your transaction while transferring between web server and web browser.

So, now when you know the importance of cybersecurity protection you must have highly skilled certified professionals to protect your organization. uCertify offers courses for cybersecurity certification exams that will help you get the cybersecurity certification.

Cyber Attacks? Is Your Organization Prepared? Explore Now!

Cybersecurity education and training is important for everyone, especially for small businesses as the number of cyber attacks are increasing at a very high rate these days. Major companies have suffered from data loss because of cyber attacks, making this the prime concern for the organizations. The cyber threats and cyber attacks are growing and changing as quickly as online technology. The question that arises is how well is your business prepared for a cyber attack? The answer to this question is disappointing, only a quarter of small businesses are prepared for a cyber-attack on their company. According to a recent survey on IT risks organizations, provided a visibility platform for data security and risk mitigation in hybrid environments. The need for improved cybersecurity has increased following a recent rise in the cyber attacks.

Is Your Organization Prepared For Cyber Attacks? Explore uCertify

Organizations Not Fully Prepared For The Cyber Attacks

According to IT Risks Report, only 26% of organizations are prepared to fight against the cyber attacks. Why is this so? Lack of budget (57% organizations are dealing with lack of budget) and insufficient staff training (37% organizations are running with the insufficiently trained staff) were named by small businesses as the main obstacles to better security. Lack of time (54% organizations are lacking time) was also pointed out as a key obstacle to better security. Biggest security risks for any organization is its employees and hackers.

Plans to Strengthen Data Security

The surveys in recent times have shown that 58% of cyber attacks target small businesses. Organizations are improving their security policies and making strict rules for the data security. Organizations are keeping an eye on the actions taken by their employees on the cloud, mobile devices, and on-premises systems. Surveys show that 38% of organizations are planning to invest in protection against cyber attacks and data breaches, 34% in intellectual property theft, and 33% in fraud. There are few more things that are used by the organizations to protect their data, like updating your software regularly, backing up data regularly, and encrypting sensitive data. Every organization should have their data security rules to help protect business-sensitive data. Most businesses consider security as an IT issue; however, it has to be an organization-wide issue and serious actions should be taken in order to protect the organizations from data theft.

So, now you must understand the importance of trained security professionals in an organization. E-Learning platforms such as uCertify that offers cybersecurity certification training programs affordable to anytime, anywhere, accessible to anyone. We offer in-depth and most practical programs for beginners planning to start a career in cybersecurity field as well as the professionals seeking to gain advanced level knowledge in devising cybersecurity strategies. uCertify’s course and labs help learners gain a practical understanding of the various cybersecurity concepts. Our user-generated content encourages job aspirants, employees, professionals, and businesses to discuss and share knowledge on the latest and trending topics in the world of cybersecurity and computer programming.