CIW: Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist v2.0 (1D0-720)

(1D0-720) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-213-7
This course includes
Hands-On Labs (Add-on)
AI Tutor (Add-on)
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About This Course

Skills You’ll Get


13+ Lessons | 156+ Exercises | 195+ Quizzes | 100+ Flashcards | 100+ Glossary of terms


55+ Pre Assessment Questions | 3+ Full Length Tests | 115+ Post Assessment Questions | 165+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

65+ LiveLab | 66+ Video tutorials | 01:15+ Hours

Video Lessons

9+ Videos | 24+ Minutes


HTML5 Essentials

  • Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3
  • Introduction to Web Development
  • Mobile Websites vs. Mobile Apps
  • App Development
  • The Web Development Trifecta
  • The Evolution of HTML5
  • HTML5 Structural Elements
  • HTML5 Semantic Elements
  • Universal Markup Creation
  • Validating HTML5 Code
  • HTML5 Multimedia Elements
  • HTML5 Graphics
  • Navigation and Hyperlinks for Mobile Devices
  • Images and Mobile Design
  • Switching Images
  • HTML5 APIs
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Technology

  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Style Guides
  • CSS and HTML
  • CSS Terms and Syntax
  • Applying CSS Styles
  • The CSS Box Model
  • Page Layout with CSS
  • Designing Websites for Mobile Devices
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Using CSS Version 3 (CSS3)

  • Introduction to CSS3
  • CSS3 Selectors and Properties
  • CSS3 Background Properties
  • CSS3 Border Properties
  • CSS3 Font Properties
  • CSS3 Text Effects
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Using Advanced CSS3 Techniques

  • Introduction to Advanced CSS3 Techniques
  • CSS3 2D and 3D Transformations
  • CSS3 Transitions
  • CSS3 Animations
  • CSS3 User Interfaces
  • Creating Menus and Buttons with CSS3
  • SASS
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Introduction to JavaScript

  • HTML5 and JavaScript
  • Introduction to Scripting
  • JavaScript Characteristics
  • JavaScript vs. Other Languages
  • Ways of Embedding JavaScript into HTML5 Documents
  • JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
  • Objects, Properties and Methods
  • Expressions and Operators
  • Conditional Statements
  • Arrays
  • Loops
  • Scope Isolation
  • Iterators
  • Regex
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

JavaScript Events, Functions and Methods

  • User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers
  • Introduction to JavaScript Functions
  • Defining a Function
  • Pre-defined Functions in JavaScript
  • Calling a Function
  • JavaScript Animations
  • Methods as Functions
  • Promises
  • Modules
  • Async/Await & Closures
  • AJAX and JSON
  • Errors In JavaScript
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Using HTML5 APIs

  • Introduction to HTML5 APIs
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Common HTML5 APIs
  • The Canvas API
  • The Geolocation API
  • The Drag-and-Drop API
  • The File API
  • The History API
  • Introduction to AJAX
  • Manipulating Data with jQuery
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Developing HTML5 Forms

  • Introduction to HTML5 Forms
  • Cross-Browser Compatible HTML5 Forms
  • HTML5 Form Input Types
  • New Form Elements in HTML5
  • HTML5 Global Attributes for Form Elements
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Completing, Submitting and Validating User Input Forms

  • Improving Forms with HTML5
  • HTML5 Attributes for the <form> Element
  • Submitting Forms with the <button> Element
  • Concepts and Techniques for Validating User Input
  • Validating User Input with HTML5 Attributes
  • Validating User Input with JavaScript
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Copyright, Ethics and Legal Considerations

  • Copyright Laws in Coding, Really?
  • Why Accessibility?
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Netiquette and Cultural Considerations
  • Why Consider Global Laws?
  • Security Standards
  • How Does Ethics Affect Coding?
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Appendix A: CIW Advanced HTML5 And CSS3 Specialist Objectives and Locations


Appendix B: Web Developer Resources


Appendix C: Works Consulted


HTML5 Essentials

  • Creating a Basic HTML Page
  • Using the <aside> and <hr> Tags
  • Structuring and Validating a Webpage
  • Embedding a Video with the HTML5 <video> Element

Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Technology

  • Creating an Internal Style Sheet
  • Implementing Inline Styles
  • Creating an External Style Sheet in HTML
  • Supporting Legacy Browsers
  • Using CSS Imports
  • Formatting Text with CSS
  • Using CSS IDs
  • Implementing a Class in HTML
  • Modifying Elements Using CSS margins, borders, and padding
  • Laying Out a Page's Structure Using CSS
  • Positioning Images Relative to Text Using CSS
  • Modifying a Site for Mobile Users

Using CSS Version 3 (CSS3)

  • Using CSS3 Selectors
  • Adding CSS3 Background Properties
  • Creating Buttons and Shadows Using CSS3 Border Properties
  • Using CSS3 Fonts and Text Effects
  • Using the CSS3 text-overflow and word-wrap Properties

Using Advanced CSS3 Techniques

  • Creating 2D and 3D Transformations with CSS3
  • Using CSS3 Transitions
  • Creating CSS3 Animations
  • Animating a Text Box Using CSS3
  • Using the CSS3 resize Property
  • Creating a CSS Menu

Introduction to JavaScript

  • Using the JavaScript's alert() Method
  • Using the JavaScript's prompt() Method
  • Using the JavaScript's document.write() Method
  • Using the JavaScript's navigator Object
  • Using Operators in JavaScript
  • Using the switch Statement in HTML
  • Using the if Statement in HTML
  • Using the if-else Statement in HTML
  • Using the while Loop in HTML
  • Using the for Loop in HTML

JavaScript Events, Functions and Methods

  • Using JavaScript Event Handlers
  • Using Functions, Arguments, and Return Values in JavaScript
  • Creating a User-Defined Function in JavaScript
  • Creating an External JavaScript File
  • Calling a Function from within Another Function in JavaScript
  • Calling Functions and Using their Arguments
  • Using the setInterval Method in Animations in HTML
  • Using the setTimeout Method in Animations in HTML
  • Using the parseFloat() Conversion Function in JavaScript
  • Transmitting and Parsing Complex Objects in HTML

Using HTML5 APIs

  • Animating an Image in HTML
  • Manipulating a Canvas in HTML
  • Using the HTML5 Canvas API
  • Using the Drag-and-Drop Functionality of HTML5
  • Using the HTML5 File API to List and Read Files
  • Sending and Receiving Data in HTML
  • Retrieving and Manipulating Data Using jQuery

Developing HTML5 Forms

  • Using New HTML5 Input Types
  • Using the search Input Type
  • Using the <textarea> Element with the placeholder Attribute
  • Using the HTML5 <datalist> Element
  • Using the <fieldset> and <legend> Elements

Completing, Submitting and Validating User Input Forms

  • Using the HTML5 autofocus Attribute with the <input> Element
  • Using the HTML5 autocomplete Attribute with the <form> Element
  • Loading and Saving Files in HTML
  • Using the <button> Element to Submit Forms
  • Using the HTML5 formtarget Attribute
  • Using the HTML5 pattern Attribute
  • Using the pattern Attribute with HTML Input Types
  • Using the HTML5 required Attribute

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Before taking the exam, a candidate should have CIW Site Development Associate or equivalent basic HTML and CSS coding knowledge

USD 150


The exam consists of linear, multiple choice, fill in the blank, fact-based, and situational questions.

The exam contains 55 questions.

75 minutes


Here are the retake policies:

  • A 24-hour waiting period is required between the first and second attempt exam.
  • If a candidate passes a CIW exam, he will not be allowed to retake that CIW exam.
  • 30 calendar days waiting period from the date of the previous sitting before any third or subsequent sitting exam.
  • There is no limit on the number of attempts a candidate may make on an exam, so long as the 30 day wait period is observed.

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